L.O.T.D 02/17/2014

Shape: Admit One coming soon/modded
Skin: Birdy - Delilah
Horns: Panik - Maleffique Horns the thrift shop
Hair: Milk - Spring Sprites genre
Eyes: .ID. - Brooding
Top: Suicidal Unborn - GFY Sweater with love fair
Hands: Slink - Mesh Hand
Skirt: Dollle - Ruffle Mini Skirt the thrift shop
**Pants: Cynful - Eve Bitches the thrift shop
**Socks: StickyZ - Royal Leggingz bodify
Feet: Slink - AvEnhance High Feet

** The Cynful and StickyZ pants/socks combination will only work on the L.inc Cute Azz. Please be warned that it is not guaranteed to stick with the socks on the top; various factors will cause the Cynful jeans to glitch to the top layer. In which cause - a reset of the layers will have to be done to continue working in this manner. Thank you**