L.O.T.D 04/20/2015

Featuring items from 100 Block, The Chapter Four, FamouStation, Kustom9, The Seasons Story, Shiny Shabby

Skin: Mudskin - My Ugly Doll the chapter four
Hair: Tableau Vivant - Diana shiny shabby
Eyes: Mudskin - My Eyes famoustation
Glasses: Glamistry - PU2002 kustom9
Necklace: Empyrean Forge - The Dreamer 100 block
Choker: Kibitz - Rosary Choker kustom9
Top: Pixicat - Bohemian Top
Hands: Slink - Av-Enhancement Hands
Body: Maitreya - Lara
Purse: Zenith - Rattan Bow Bag the seasons story
Pants: Foxes - Throw Back Jeans
Shoes: Friday - Baily Loafers kustom9
Pose 1: An Lar - The Possibilities
Pose 2: Imeka - Kimbra kustom9
Destination: Sleepy