L.O.T.D 03/13/2015

Featuring items from The Fantasy Collective, Kustom9, The Skin Fair

Skin: Mudskin - Rose the skin fair
Hair: Clawtooth - Cutie Shag coming soon to kustom9
Eyes: Angelica - Rica Eyes the skin fair
Glasses: Sorgo - Astoria coming soon to kustom9
Lips: Loud Mouth - Alli
Necklace: Kibitz - The Heart Necklace the fantasy collective
Hands: Slink - Av-Enhancement Hands
Coat: Ison - Serino Leather Jacket
Pants: Pixicat - Klara Jeans
Feet: Slink - AvEnhance Mid Feet
Shoes: Ingenue - Pickford Heels
Pose 1: Imeka - Luna
Pose 2: Kirin - Aiko
Destination: Isle of Serendipity

Rose Skin by Mudskin at The Skin Fair! Available from today, March 13, until March 29!